4 kom elastične trake za fitness u torbici

Start exercising and stay fit and healthy with these high quality resistance bands. The set consists of 4 coloured bands. The colours indicate the resistance from light to dark (heavy resistance). Made from strong TPE and comes with a black pouch. Including a manual with some great exercises so you can start working out immediately!

4,63 12,06 


Zajamčena sigurna naplata

Značajke i kompatibilnost

Start exercising and stay fit and healthy with these high quality resistance bands. The set consists of 4 coloured bands. The colours indicate the resistance from light to dark (heavy resistance). Made from strong TPE and comes with a black pouch. Including a manual with some great exercises so you can start working out immediately!

Dodatne informacije

Težina 74,6 g

Termoplastični elastomer (TPE)

Dimenzije artikla

19.4 x 10.5 x 0.3 cm

Vrsta pakiranja

Polybag i rasuto

Dimenzije kutije artikla

19 x 10 x 3.2 cm

Tehnika tiska

Screen Transfer OS

Pozicija otiska na proizvod


Veličina otiska na proizvod

60 x 120 mm

Max boje


Težina 74,6 g

Termoplastični elastomer (TPE)

Dimenzije artikla

19.4 x 10.5 x 0.3 cm

Vrsta pakiranja

Polybag i rasuto

Dimenzije kutije artikla

19 x 10 x 3.2 cm

Tehnika tiska

Screen Transfer OS

Pozicija otiska na proizvod


Veličina otiska na proizvod

60 x 120 mm

Max boje


Recenzije kupaca

Koje tehnike tiska postoje?

Tampon tisak, sitotisak, lasersko graviranje, CO2 graviranje, digitalni tisak, vez, digitalni transfer, digitalni 360 tisak, kupolasti tisak, sublimacijski tisak, keramički transfer, digitalna naljepnica, slijepo utiskivanje, štancanje folijom… ima ih mnogo, pa smo pripremili videa koji objašnjavaju što svaka tehnika znači!